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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chicken and Bok Choy Stir-Fry

Soo it has been awhile since I posted a yummy new recipe, right?! So, I was sent this recipe in a email from Real Simple. I love that magazine. Oh, and you can sign up for free newsletters in your email EVERY WEEKDAY! Yumm.. I love getting new recipes!
I've been dying to try bok choy.. chinese cabbage.. sounds good right?

Here is how it goes...
You will need 2 chicken breasts
1 cup long grain white rice
salt and pepper
vegetable oil
4 parts of the bok choy, chopped
1/4c water
1 onion
1/4c soy sauce
1/4 bbq sauce

Soooo.. cook the white rice according to the directions.. while you do that...
Take your chicken, dice it up. Put some oil in your skillet, season up the chicken slices with salt and pepper and throw in the skillet. I then cover the skillet and let the chicken cook for about 5 minutes.. Take the chicken out and put in your bok choy and water. Turn up the heat to about med-high in the skillet, cover.. in about 5 minutes, the bok choy will be nice and tender..
Meanwhile, dice up your onion.. put it into a bowl and mix with the soy sauce and bbq sauce. Pour this in the skillet with the tender bok choy, cover and wait for a boil to come. Once it boils, put in your chicken, turn down the heat, and throw in the rice.

Tada! This is the PERFECT meal for the electric skillet! You can make it almost all in there!

Try it and let me know whatcha think!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Cheesy Tomato Chicken Breasts

Well, I have another recipe for you all and its a super easy and YUMMY one. Thats the perfect combination.

You will need for Cheesy Tomato Chicken Breasts...
4 chicken breasts
1 can diced tomatoes with basil, garlic and oregano
1 whole small onion - diced
1/3 cup italian dressing
2 8oz cans of sliced mushrooms
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 dash olive oil

You will need a skillet (I use an electric for everything and if you have an electric skillet, this is the PERFECT one pan meal) and put it on med-high heat. Heat up the oil. Put the chicken in and brown up both sides.
Add your diced onions and the 2 cans of mushrooms, make sure you drain the cans of mushrooms. Let this brown up and when they are, add the dressing and tomatoes. Cover and let simmer for 20 minutes. When the chicken is cooked all the way through, sprinkle the cheese over top and turn off the heat. Cover it again until the cheese melts.

This is super yummy and easy. I love how juicy the chicken is because it soaks up all of the italian dressing. I bet you could even marinade the chicken in italian dressing and get a similiar effect!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The BEST Asparagus Ever!!

Ok, so I have been working on trying to convince Robert to try asparagus... again. It is getting into the season when asparagus comes on sale.. so this was the perfect time to try it!

Apparently his first try, he didn't approve of them. Usually my man loves to try everything, but it was difficult to get him to give in. I found a great recipe for asparagus (I can't remember from where but when I do find it again, I'll post up the link!). The sauce.. well it is to die for. Robert was dipping his chicken in it also!

You will need for the Best Asparagus Ever!
A bundle of asparagus
1/2cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter
1/4tsp pepper
1/2 tsp garlic salt (i used garlic powder with a tad of salt)
1 tbsp soy sauce

Soooo simple! Preheat your oven for 400. Take a few asparagus, I used 2 at a time, and wrap them in bacon and put them in a baking dish. Then, combine the brown sugar, butter, soy sauce, garlic salt, and pepper in a pan and bring to a boil on the stove. Pour this delicious mixture over the asparagus. Put this in the oven for 25 minutes. The result? PERFECT ASPARAGUS!

It was amazing - the asparagus was soooo soft. The combination of the bacon, asparagus and sweet sauce... its heaven. I can't rave enough. This is man approved!I'm actually thinking of using this sauce for other things too.

One Pan Chicken with Carrots and Green Beans

I lovveee simple dishes, especially one that I can basically make in one pan. I forget where I saw this recipe, but I changed it to what I wanted anyway. It was perfect! It didn't call for green beans, but I thought it was a good companion with carrots. I don't like green beans but i LOVED these ones!

One Pan Chicken with Carrots and Green Beans
3 or 4 (or however many you need)
chicken thighs
2 lemons in quarters
1/2 lb fresh green beans
1/2lb carrots in 3 inch pieces
4 -5 bay leaves
paprika salt and pepper
olive oil

Heat your oven at 425. Drizzle a baking sheet WITH A RIM with olive oil and lay the chicken on the sheet. Surround the chicken with the carrots and green beans. Cut up your 2 lemons into quarters and place among the carrots and green beans. Add the bay leaves randomly in the vegetables. Sprinkle vegetables and chicken with salt and pepper. Generously sprinkle paprika on the chicken. Put in your oven for about 45- 50 minutes. Delicious! The chicken was super juicy, not at all anywhere close to dry. I loved the lemon that soaked into the green beans that added this awesome citrus taste. They were soooo soft. (I use green beans that I buy at Krogers in a bag that are already ready to be served - they can be microwaved - I got them on a manager special for $1.25 a bag!)

Chicken Tortilla Soup

Oh buddy, I loveeeee to cook soup well i love soup in general. I love this soup and it is even man approved - Robert definitely ate a wholeee bunch of this! So, I'm guessing your man will like it too!

This soup CAN be spicy, just remember that the amount of spice you use is up to you. I suggest that you start off with a little amount and taste test until you get to the level of spice you desire! You don't want to end up with soup so spicy it is impossible to eat!

Chicken Tortilla Soup
1 onion, finely chopped
olive oil
4 cloves minced garlic
1 can diced tomatoes
6 cups chicken broth
1 can corn, drained
2 large chicken breasts
cayenne pepper
1 tsp chili powder
1 tsp coriander
garlic power
1tsp cumin
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
tortilla chips and cheddar cheese

First, you saute your onions in the olive oil until they are tender. Add the garlic, cayenne pepper (I think I used about 1/4 tsp, use less if you don't like spice!), chili powder (Add less if you don't like spice) and stir. Stir in the chicken broth. Bring this to a boil. Then, add the corn and diced tomatoes. Let simmer. In the mean time, pat your chicken dry and spice with cayenne pepper, chili powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cook through and cut up into pieces. Add the chicken to the soup. At this time add the coriander. Serve this soup with tortilla chips and cheddar cheese - you can even serve it with sour cream! Yum yum!

Pork Chops in the Crock Pot

So, who doesn't like crock pots?! I mean, they are possibly the easiest way to cook a meal. Put the ingredients in and just go about your day! Here is one of my favorite crock pot recipes, but if you forget to put it in, you can also make it in a glass baking dish - I will include those directions also!

Pork Chops in the Crock Pot
4 whole pork chops
1 onion in slices
1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
2 cans mushroom soup
4 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp parsley
1 tbsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp pepper

Put your pork chops in the crock pot and lay the sliced onions over top along with the 1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms. In a separate bowl, mix together the mushroom soup, soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, parsley, garlic salt, and pepper. Once this is mixed all the way through, pour it over top of the pork chops and onions Cook on low for 5-6 hours. If you are cooking in the oven, heat your oven at 350 and bake for 1 hour!

I found the recipe here - love Pioneer Woman!

Lemon Roasted Chicken

If you are like me, you love simple, easy recipes that are yummy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy recipes that take more time - especially when Robert is home. I go into the kitchen, turn on some dance music, do some dance moves, and make a delicious (hopefully) dinner. Its ME time - but I also love recipes that take no more than 5-10 minutes to prepare. That is what I have for you today! I love roasted chickens. I love chicken in general and I love lemon. Hello... Great combo, right?!

Lemon Roasted Chicken
Oil (whatever kind you want - I use vegetable)
1 whole chicken
1 tbsp italian seasoning
2 lemons
salt and pepper
lemon juice

Preheat your oven at 350. Put a thin layer of oil on the bottom of your roasting pan. Clean out the chicken and pat it dry and put into the pan. Rub oil over the chicken, drizzle lemon juice over the top of the chicken and sprinkle the italian seasoning, salt, and pepper. (I use more italian seasoning because I like it - and I sometimes add garlic powder also. Play with it!) Quartered one of the lemons and stuff the chicken with that. With the other lemon, cut it into slices and put on top randomly. Put the lid on and leave in the oven for 2 hours. I generally take the lid off 20 minutes before it is done and let it brown up a bit.

Yummy! It comes out juicy and delicious with a very light taste of lemon. Perfect paired with some rice and vegetables!