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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chicken and Bok Choy Stir-Fry

Soo it has been awhile since I posted a yummy new recipe, right?! So, I was sent this recipe in a email from Real Simple. I love that magazine. Oh, and you can sign up for free newsletters in your email EVERY WEEKDAY! Yumm.. I love getting new recipes!
I've been dying to try bok choy.. chinese cabbage.. sounds good right?

Here is how it goes...
You will need 2 chicken breasts
1 cup long grain white rice
salt and pepper
vegetable oil
4 parts of the bok choy, chopped
1/4c water
1 onion
1/4c soy sauce
1/4 bbq sauce

Soooo.. cook the white rice according to the directions.. while you do that...
Take your chicken, dice it up. Put some oil in your skillet, season up the chicken slices with salt and pepper and throw in the skillet. I then cover the skillet and let the chicken cook for about 5 minutes.. Take the chicken out and put in your bok choy and water. Turn up the heat to about med-high in the skillet, cover.. in about 5 minutes, the bok choy will be nice and tender..
Meanwhile, dice up your onion.. put it into a bowl and mix with the soy sauce and bbq sauce. Pour this in the skillet with the tender bok choy, cover and wait for a boil to come. Once it boils, put in your chicken, turn down the heat, and throw in the rice.

Tada! This is the PERFECT meal for the electric skillet! You can make it almost all in there!

Try it and let me know whatcha think!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds yummy and easy! My kids love these kind of meals. We will have to try:)
